September 20, 2017

Elephbo Collection Launch

Dearest Friends

Can you remember when I wrote a blogpost about a year ago about this Swiss brand who uses old cement bags from Cambodia for their bags and puses? (Click ⇑) This awesome story about a Swiss Start-Up which works in the upcycling and sustainability category? Yep I am talking about my friends from Elephbo!! And they are now - one year later after designing, sampling and testing over and over and over - launching their newest collection, the Cambo Collection,  this Saturday, which btw looks dope AF!!!

September 19, 2017

Protsaah: Schmuck und Accessoires hergestellt in Konfliktzonen

Mit ihrem Start-up Protsaah will Saloni Shrestha Menschen in Konfliktzonen eine Perspektive bieten. Sie designt in Zürich Schmuck, Pashmina-Schals und Accessoires und lässt diese in Krisen-Regionen herstellen, wo Kunsthandwerk Tradition hat. Erhältlich sind ihre Produkte in ausgewählten Shops, auf Weihnachtsmärkten und ab Oktober auch online.

September 14, 2017

First Attempt - Makeup by Malyficent


The time has come and "my crew" and I dared to film my first "makeup tutorial". Why dare? First of all I am no professional MUA, secondly that's it. I always thought that why should I make a tutorial, when I'm no professional...I thought it's a lil awkward, but you know what? The thing is, that it is so much fun (and of course also a lot of work) to make a tutorial bout something you love love and love. That's why once again, I know, I am no MUA and all I do is just how I do it and not how you should do it. Got it? Don't get me wrong. I am doing this because I am a freaking makeup enthusiast, makeup collector and an addict - a makeup addict - and no I don't need help,  I will learn to live with my desease. You can tell obviously I love make up. Makeup is life! So why shouldn't I show you, what I do with my adorable stuff. Right? So here we are. 😍 

September 07, 2017


Ellie Goulding at her first Dosenbach Collection

My lovely Ladies

Did you already catch up with these awesome News? Ellie Goulding just dropped her second Collection for Dosenbach and the so-called Star Collection has a lot to offer. Yup Ladies, it's gonna be hard to decide which one not to buy. 😢
If you need some Inspo here is my selection of desire 💘:
(tap on the shoe 👇 to get to the shop or use the link on the right 👉👉👉👉)

September 05, 2017

Swatches of my favorite Nudes

Hey my LoveBirds

We made a Video of me swatching my favorite Nude Lippies. Hope you like it 😗

xoxo, your sincerely

Kat von D Beauty - Bow n Arrow*
Kat von D Beauty - Double Dare*
Kat von D Beauty - Lolita*
Huda Beauty - Bombshell*
Kylie Cosmetics - Candy K

*also available at Sephora Switzerland c/o Manor

Music: Janet Jackson - All for you

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