Can you remember when I wrote a blogpost about a year ago about this Swiss brand who uses old cement bags from Cambodia for their bags and puses? (Click ⇑) This awesome story about a Swiss Start-Up which works in the upcycling and sustainability category? Yep I am talking about my friends from Elephbo!! And they are now - one year later after designing, sampling and testing over and over and over - launching their newest collection, the Cambo Collection, this Saturday, which btw looks dope AF!!!
Believe me, you don't want to miss this wicked Launch and Fashion Show which takes place this Saturday September 23rd, 8pm at the Labor Bar in Zürich. Be there guys!!! Featured Swiss start-ups will be Prothsaah, Selfnation Jeans and Elise Anderegg. It's gonna be awesome.
Hope to see you there!!
Hope to see you there!!
For more Info about the new Cambo Collection:
Klick the ELEPHBO Logo
(Quelle: / Eliane Bachenheimer PR)
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