November 24, 2015

#Fashion meets #Paymash

Medien - und Blogger - Apéro @JoBrauer

JoBrauer die It-Boutique hatte doppelt Grund zu feiern. Eine neue Location wurde bezogen und ein neues Kassensystem wurde lanciert. Aus diesem Grund wurde am 5. November 2015 zum Medien- und Blogger - Apéro eingeladen und ich hatte das Vergnügen mit einer meiner besten Freundinnen dabei zu sein. ....

November 17, 2015

School of Life

Hello everyone

It’s time to talk about someone who just came into my life like 13 weeks ago and already has a big influence in my being and took me to a new level of mind setting. Maybe you already noticed, that positive thinking is a big part of my life, which I attach a lot importance to. In case you didn’t, check out my older blogs ;-) ...

November 11, 2015

Lunch with a good friend

Hello everyone!

It’s about time to write something new. The past few weeks changed my life and took me to another level of mind setting. Maybe you’re asking yourself why? If you read my last blog, I mention a facebook post which will probably change my life, and it did, in a big way. For this, I will take more time to write about it later. But now I will take you to a conversation I had lately, which stucked in my mind. ...

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Halloween Countdown starts now

Hey guys,  it's that time of the year again (no worries I am not gonna talk about Christmas yet haha) and the most important quest...