So, der erste Teil der Feiertage ist überstanden und es bleiben uns nun endlich einige Tage um diese zu "verdauen", einmal zu "verschnaufen" und dann direkt mit Vollgas weiterzumachen, denn nach Weihnachten ist man ja schon fast wieder in den Vorbereitungen für Silvester...
Dezember 28, 2015
Dezember 18, 2015
Malyficent's Wishlist for Christmas
Hey LovebirdsI know, long time since my last blogpost. I am really sorry for that, but I guess you all know the struggle of having so much to do, that you don't even know where to start, right? What means, that I wasn't lazy in the meantime. Lots of planning, preparation, overthinking was up and also some brainstorming too about how to improve my projects, especially my blog. But enough for now, let's come to the important things in life....Christmas Gifts!! ;) ....
November 24, 2015
#Fashion meets #Paymash
Medien - und Blogger - Apéro @JoBrauer
JoBrauer die It-Boutique hatte doppelt Grund zu feiern. Eine neue Location wurde bezogen und ein neues Kassensystem wurde lanciert. Aus diesem Grund wurde am 5. November 2015 zum Medien- und Blogger - Apéro eingeladen und ich hatte das Vergnügen mit einer meiner besten Freundinnen dabei zu sein. ....
November 17, 2015
School of Life
It’s time to talk about someone who just came into my life like 13 weeks ago and already has a big influence in my being and took me to a new level of mind setting. Maybe you already noticed, that positive thinking is a big part of my life, which I attach a lot importance to. In case you didn’t, check out my older blogs ;-) ...
November 11, 2015
Lunch with a good friend
It’s about time to write something new. The past few weeks changed my life and took me to another level of mind setting. Maybe you’re asking yourself why? If you read my last blog, I mention a facebook post which will probably change my life, and it did, in a big way. For this, I will take more time to write about it later. But now I will take you to a conversation I had lately, which stucked in my mind. ...
Oktober 30, 2015
(Tab on the left side or click below)
and shop your Miero Bracelet with exklusive FREE SHIPPING for our followers
Infos on the right side ;)
Oktober 26, 2015
Oktober 23, 2015
BaByliss Paris - Simply the Best
Heute wiedermal in Deutsch:)
Es gibt aufregende News in der Beautywelt. BaByliss Paris hat im September den ersten Haartrockner mit EC Digital Motor lanciert und präsentiert somit den Haartrockner der Zukunft!!! Ich denke dies wird sicherlich neue Massstäbe auf dem Markt setzen. ...
Oktober 22, 2015
Announcement of the Team Malyficent "Go-Live"
Good Morning Friends
As you might have already seen on our Facebook page, things are getting down right now! Finally we can announce the "Go-Live" of our webpage Yes, Team Malyficent is now officially online (besides Malyficent's Blogspot)! We are super excited about that!! Our arms are getting longer now. I am so proud about this project, as we worked hard on that, especially Chanthy our webmaster. But take a look yourself and show us sum good LUUUUUVVVVVIIINNN....and don't forget, as "novices" we depend on your constructive feedbacks and criticisms. Help us to improve!! And if you are cool and want to collaborate or just want to get in contact with us, please don't hesitate! Friends are always welcomed!
Have a good day everyone! MUAAHH
yours sincerely,
Malyficent Inspired
PS. Don't forget to like our Facebook page! Here's btw the announcement we've posted on Facebook:
Malyficent Inspired
PS. Don't forget to like our Facebook page! Here's btw the announcement we've posted on Facebook:
"So, did you like our blog about our first
collaboration with TaxiClothing?
Just in case you are a person who doesn’t like to read ;) , we have some good news for you!
Just in case you are a person who doesn’t like to read ;) , we have some good news for you!
Our own website is finally online!!
There’s still a lot to do and to update but you can take a first look of Chanthy’s creation. Maly’s blogspot will remain, it will be the first source for the blogs, our thoughts and news.
The website contains pictures of our photo shootings & collaborations and our fitness & mind setting ranch. Also you will find information about the team and what Malyficent Inspired means and presents.
We are open for any suggestions for improvement and feedbacks :))
We are thankful for every support, likes and share guys! THANK YOU
Team Malyficent Inspired"
Oh, what I forgot, we also have some nice flyers now :D
Share - Like - Follow
Oktober 15, 2015
TAXI CLOTHING a swiss clothing label
Now finally, we are able to present you the results of our first collaboration with TaxiClothing, a young swiss clothing label based in Zürich. Not that we only had the chance to wear those cool clothes and carry the amazing accessoires, no we also gained new like-minded friends! We all love comfy, sporty and urban streetwear which adventurer and free-minded person would wear. So, if you like adventure and sport (maybe extrem sport) or if you are a globetrotter or an explorer, then you might love that label! ...
Oktober 12, 2015
Mi Vida Loca - Kat von D Beauty Launch
Dear Lovebirds,
let me tell you a great story!!!
October 9, 2015 in Barcelona - for most catalan an ordinary day, but definitely not for me and hundrets of other Kat von D Fans! ...
let me tell you a great story!!!
October 9, 2015 in Barcelona - for most catalan an ordinary day, but definitely not for me and hundrets of other Kat von D Fans! ...
Oktober 05, 2015
Photoshooting Day
Dear Friends
Maybe you might already catched up, that we had our first collaboration!!! This weekend we finally had our photoshooting day, which went very well. We had a blast and I think the pictures came out really good. We are now editing the pictures and soon you'll be able to read our blog about that day and bout our first collaboration and see how the pix came out. As the day was really exhausting we ended it up with a short "Apéro" at TAXI meets BRÜHNETT in Wädenswil and chattet real quick with our new friends from TaxiClothing. Thanks for having us!! It was such a pleasure!!!
So well, have a nice day guys and stay tuned, we'll keep you updated - btw new Projects are also already on the run :) !!
yours sincerely,
Oktober 02, 2015
Hey Guys!
We got something NEW for you! For the first time we will show you some music.
Are you ready for sick beats? My Friends, the 23 year old twin-brothers Edi and Armin a.k.a Big Boys DJs have dropped their first EP * HEART OF A LION *!!! You can’t tell how proud I am! And this not just because we know each other - I guess - more than 10 years! I am also proud of their success. They’re now established Club Djs here in Switzerland and also super talented producers.
I always knew, that music runs thru their blood... As long as I know them they were always loud and pretty extroverted. When we were younger, my sister and I almost spend every day with them.. although our parents didn’t like it...LOL!! We didn’t do much, just walking around the village or hanging out somewhere.. but what we always did while doing "nothing", was listen to music.
They have the love to Music and the addiction to soccer-sports in common. The different in sport is they’re cheering for different Teams. Edi is a Tottenham Hotspurs supporter and Armin is a big Manchester United fan, he even has a Tattoo with the inscription of the team.. How crazy is that??
But whatever belongs to Music, they become one. They were always more interested to the world of music than me, although Edi and Armin were a few years younger than I ;)
You can hear the affection to urban beats on their tracks. They didn’t swim with the crowd, at the age of 13. They were more attracted to the sound of underground and oldschool hip hop instead of someone like Chris Brown and that was very admiring. I guess that was also the influence of their older brothers :) But now their range of music taste is bigger and with lots of variety. You can tell by seeing how full the Clubs are, when they’re on the scratch.
You can hear the affection to urban beats on their tracks. They didn’t swim with the crowd, at the age of 13. They were more attracted to the sound of underground and oldschool hip hop instead of someone like Chris Brown and that was very admiring. I guess that was also the influence of their older brothers :) But now their range of music taste is bigger and with lots of variety. You can tell by seeing how full the Clubs are, when they’re on the scratch.
Oh, what I really like to mention as well is, that they already tried to rap when they were kids and recorded it on a tape - OMG that tape was SO CUTE!!! My sister and I loved it so much and we listen it a lot...that's why we still know a huge part of the lyrics lol..
Long story short… Edi and Armin live for Music, Soccer and KANYE WEST!
The EP is inspired by different music genres. It features songs with Atterbury (UK), Cody Brandell (USA), B.Steels (USA), Jon Lewis (USA) and their first Single “Only One” with the soul-singer Mickey Blue from Canada.
Sooooo grab your wallet and buy their EP on iTunes or Google Play Store! It is worth your money, I promise.
Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram, Facebook and check out their Homepage
Keep calm and listen to Big Boys music
Xo Chanthy (CL)
(pictures via
September 19, 2015
Fitness & Health - Losing and finding Motivation
Hello everybody. Long time no see! Yes, I feel like I’m back, positiv, mental and with the right mindsetting. Also with a little bit longer hair, beard (as a asian it’s hard, but at least i’m trying… i guess) and a new tattoo. As you might see, not finished yet, but it’s gonna be awesome!
It was a long and –unexpected- hot summer in switzerland. And to be true with you guys, I lost my focus, my mindsetting. I was much more in bad mood than usual and not really into my gym/beastmode. I have trained during the summer, but not as hard as I have planned. I have become comfortable and I started picking up on little things and now, when I think about it again, those things don’t even were worth my time. I also lost the focus to change my life and I nearly started to accept my destiny. That’s why longtime no see.
But like I said, I’m back… a lifelesson more in my backpack and stronger than ever. Do you know that situation… you are on facebook, scrolling down the screen, liking stuff, watch videos and so on and then one post, this one post catches your attention, you read it, then you keep scrolling down but you go back and read it again. And then you think…...maybe this situation will change my life. Everything just feels right. Every aspect of it feels right for me.
I have the chance to make the first step to my dream, the first step to change my life. All I know now, it will change my life… maybe it will catapult me to my dream and will be a milestone or it will „just“ teach me a new lifelesson. No matter what will happen, I already know, it will make me stronger, smarter and as long I go steps into a way… it’s better then just to stay where I am now. So, I’m already thankful for this experience.
That was a litte update about me and what happened this summer and now, I think it’s also time for me to say something about our blog Malyficent_Inspired.We know, we are by far not the most followed blog in the world and also know, it will take much more time until this might happen… but as long we want and love to do this, we will do it. Yes, even here we lost a bit of our focus. But we will be back. We have a lot of ideas and we will work hard to get those ideas to real things.
All I want to say is, we want to work with other bloggers, brands, labels and organizations. Maybe make some collabs, support and push each other and show some love. There’s too much hate and competitions in this world, that we forgot, that a „we“ is much stronger than a „I“.
It was a long and –unexpected- hot summer in switzerland. And to be true with you guys, I lost my focus, my mindsetting. I was much more in bad mood than usual and not really into my gym/beastmode. I have trained during the summer, but not as hard as I have planned. I have become comfortable and I started picking up on little things and now, when I think about it again, those things don’t even were worth my time. I also lost the focus to change my life and I nearly started to accept my destiny. That’s why longtime no see.
But like I said, I’m back… a lifelesson more in my backpack and stronger than ever. Do you know that situation… you are on facebook, scrolling down the screen, liking stuff, watch videos and so on and then one post, this one post catches your attention, you read it, then you keep scrolling down but you go back and read it again. And then you think…...maybe this situation will change my life. Everything just feels right. Every aspect of it feels right for me.
I have the chance to make the first step to my dream, the first step to change my life. All I know now, it will change my life… maybe it will catapult me to my dream and will be a milestone or it will „just“ teach me a new lifelesson. No matter what will happen, I already know, it will make me stronger, smarter and as long I go steps into a way… it’s better then just to stay where I am now. So, I’m already thankful for this experience.
That was a litte update about me and what happened this summer and now, I think it’s also time for me to say something about our blog Malyficent_Inspired.We know, we are by far not the most followed blog in the world and also know, it will take much more time until this might happen… but as long we want and love to do this, we will do it. Yes, even here we lost a bit of our focus. But we will be back. We have a lot of ideas and we will work hard to get those ideas to real things.
All I want to say is, we want to work with other bloggers, brands, labels and organizations. Maybe make some collabs, support and push each other and show some love. There’s too much hate and competitions in this world, that we forgot, that a „we“ is much stronger than a „I“.
Everyone who’s interested or willing ;) just let us know and we will be ready to do something.
Big things will happen… for me, for our blog… can’t wait to see our bright future. Maybe you and your brands, blog will be a part of it and someday we will party this together just because we can do things we love to do.
Big things will happen… for me, for our blog… can’t wait to see our bright future. Maybe you and your brands, blog will be a part of it and someday we will party this together just because we can do things we love to do.
Big comeback-blog, many promises… but that’s what we want… going for big things. Thank your very much you took time to read this. To read a blog from a dreamer who wants to live the dream! See you next time. And don’t forget… mindsetting is everything… everybody needs a reminder even me!
Take care of yourselves and enjoy life.
Team Malyficent

Take care of yourselves and enjoy life.
Team Malyficent

September 17, 2015
Wanna spend 90 bucks for a Lipstick?
...then this is your chance.
As you might remember, Christian Louboutin introduced his first nail-polish collection last year in September 2014 (one of my first blogs I wrote) and it was as glamorous as those red soles! So I am not surprised, that he launches a lipstick collection this September 2015. And now, who wants to spend 90 bucks on a lipstick (yap, you read that right) and make a statement...?? Here you go, this is your chance.
Of course the 36 lipstick shades doesn't come in a traditional lipstick tube - that wouldn't be a Louboutin manner - inspired by the Egyptian queen Nefertiti the lipsticks are housed in gold and black vials, with a crown on top and graced with little loops, so you can attach them to a necklace chain and wear it around your neck. Nice idea, but I am not sure yet, if I would do this (need to ask my team about their opinion). I prefer to have my lipsticks in my MCM purses ;) But I must say, wearing a lipstick around your neck is like a marriage of beauty and fashion, don't you think? Hmm kinda special.
So now you'll be able to match your lips to your nails and to the bottoms of your shoes, if you feel so inclined!?!? (poor credit limit: lipstick 90 bucks, nail polish 50 bucks and 675 bucks for the red sole). While I might be able to bear the price of 675 bucks for a classic investment piece, spending out a "Benjamin" for a lipstick is though tho!!! In fact you can buy a lot of other liptsticks with these 90 bucks. Yap, but everybody needs to decide by should be nice to have one of these Louboutin Lipsticks and imma think about, if I should purchase it or not. But you know what I already have blow out my money in a dumber'll let you know :)
Well, let me also know, what you think about that lipstick and if you will be or already are a owner of it. If yes, HOW IS THE QUALITY? As high as the price?
yours sincerely,
Malyficent Inspired
and btw, don't forget to LIKE us on our Facebook Page ;)

September 10, 2015
Heavenly News
Ladies, listen.....
We got some Good News for yall....the tangle is over with this heaven-sent
The new MUST-HAVE!!!
Check out this new, beautiful looking and very innovative product by clicking on the picture below
Team Malyficent Inspired will definitly go for it....whoop whoop
yours sincerely,
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August 31, 2015
Must-Haves for Autumn 2015
Hey Ladies,
The weeks flipped by and we have hardly realised that summer is passing by real quick and autumn is just ahead....well, it's already knocking on the door - that's why we thought about items for women, which are absolutely essential for this upcoming season of the year.
Here our 10 #keypieces and #musthaves aka our favorite Accessoires for Fall 2015.
1. #soreal - the newest streetstyle-hype and it-accessoire at the moment. Chriara Ferragni shows us how to wear it. Dior Shades by Designer Raf Simons spottet at Saks Fifth Avenue
1. #soreal - the newest streetstyle-hype and it-accessoire at the moment. Chriara Ferragni shows us how to wear it. Dior Shades by Designer Raf Simons spottet at Saks Fifth Avenue
+Chiara Ferragni |
2. #boxybag - for example the #rebelbag by Jimmy Choo or a cheaper version you can find @Primark
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3. #patentleather - heels, boots, booties, sandals, flats, platforms, sneakers - we love all kind of shoes made in pantentleather. check Nasty Gal
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4. #jeansoverall - aka dungarees - no it's not the 90's, but we love these #throwback90s look
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5. #necklaces - whether if chocker, collar, gold, silver, chain, leather, pearls, bling or statement...put something around your neck. Our favorites available at Nasty Gal
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6. #platforms - nothing more to say than they're back all variations
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7. #saddlebag - the perfect size comes with the famous saddle bag. Chloé Drew or Nasty Gal Ride It Crossover bag
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8. #fruits a possibility to bring a bit of summer to fall. Fruits in all variations. As bag, shoes, t-shirt, prints or jewelery. Just #fruitylicious Our favorite piece spotted at Suite Blanco in Barcelona. #pineapplelove +Suiteblanco
9. #silverwhitegreyhair #grannyhair Thought going grey was a hair nightmare? nope, new trend: gorgeous grey locks. One of those grey-haired beauties: @angexla
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@angexla |
10. #bomber don't forget to buy a Bomber Jacket, absolutely #trendy this Fall!
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As you can see, we're big +Nasty Gal lovers!! :) Well, did you like our #top10 ? Tell us your opinion and leave a comment.
yours sincerely,
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